Sunday, May 12, 2013


The children have been learning a lot about the upcoming Holiday, Shavuos.
We learned that after the Jewish people left Mitzrayim (Egypt), Hashem told them He was going to give them a special present.  It was the Torah! We discussed what is written inside the Torah. We learned that all our wonderful Mitzvos are written inside the Torah.  Morah Perel drew pictures of all the Mitzvos we do in our classroom with the children's help. Then each child picked their favorite Mitzvah.
Tali loves kissing the mezuzuah.
Bibi loves making Kiddish at the shabbos party.
Bluma loves lighting shabbos candles with her mommy.
Ella loves making and eating challah.
Daniela loves sharing and playing with friends.
Sasha loves making the brocha on tzitzis.
Doron and Nikolas both love giving tzeddaka every morning.

We then learned the special story of how Hashem picked which mountain to give the Torah on. All the mountains heard that Hashem was going to pick a mountain for the Torah to be given on. They each started to argue who should be chosen. One mountain said "I am much taller than all of you, I should be chosen." The next said "I am much stronger and wider, I should be chosen." Another said "I am a beautiful mountain, I should be chosen." But Har Sinai was a plain, small mountain and didn't fight and insist on being chosen. Hashem chose Har Sinai, because Hashem doesn't like when people or mountain fight and push ahead of each other. The lesson the children learned from this is not to push ahead, but to be patient. We want to be a good friend like Har Sinai and let our friend go first and not push ahead. When one of the Morah see this behavior, we would point out how that child is being like Har Sinai. And when we would see pushy behavior, we would remind the children to be like Har Sinai.

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