Sunday, November 11, 2012

Experimenting and Playing


On Thursday, the children found yellow and red chalk at their seats with a black paper. They found it very interesting how the chalk felt on their hands. They quickly noticed that the chalk got dusty and colored their hands.


After breakfast, we had Music and Movement. We reviewed our Hokey Pokey dance. Then we learned a Freeze dance. We had to do the motions the singer told us to do, but when we heard the word “Freeze!”, we had to stop dancing. We really enjoyed that.

Then we had circle time and discussed our families. We talked about who is in our families. We have mammas, papas, grandparents, and some of us have sisters or brothers. We said how much we love them and they love us.

Afterwards, we had play time.


Nick dressed up as a “deirdishka”


“cock a doodle dooo!”  “Torah, Torah….”


Doron filling is dump truck with toys.

Tali, Ella and Bluma sharing the Brown Bear puzzle”


On Friday, we made challah dough with our class.


We were so glad Morah Rivky our music teacher came to school! We really enjoy music class!


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