Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Discovering Chanukah

Our class has been discovering all about Chanukah. We began by collaging our Chanukah menorah for the bulletin board. We are also singing many Chanukah songs. We started learning the story of Chanukah. We’ve been playing dreidel by play time. 
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Playing with the dress up. (spot our menorah in the background Winking smile)
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Discussing all the Mitzvos we do in our class and how much we love doing them.
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Everybody collected a different Mitzvah object on our “mitzvah hunt”
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Decorating our menorah lighting plaques with sequins and glitter.

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Chana found a shiny dreidel!
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Friends discovering the dreidels together!
We’ve also began making our menorahs.
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We’ve also been reviewing our three colors and our shape circle. Today, we played with our blue goop. Morahs brought out special mats with a circle on it for the children to trace with goop. Some did it by themselves and some with help. It really helped the children digest the concept of a circle. By breakfast, one child said “hey, my cup is a circle!” and another child  “my bowl is a circle!”
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The color Blue and Circles

This week, we went on to learn the color blue. The children know the colors red and yellow very well.  We will spend some more time reviewing all three colors before going on to learn more. We made a blue collage using all sorts of materials.

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Then, we went on to learn the shape Circle. We sang ttto “The wheels on the Bus”

“A circle goes around and around, around and around, around and around.”

We painted circle shapes, using cups.

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Then we went on a walk around the neighborhood looking for circle shapes. We found plenty!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Experimenting and Playing


On Thursday, the children found yellow and red chalk at their seats with a black paper. They found it very interesting how the chalk felt on their hands. They quickly noticed that the chalk got dusty and colored their hands.


After breakfast, we had Music and Movement. We reviewed our Hokey Pokey dance. Then we learned a Freeze dance. We had to do the motions the singer told us to do, but when we heard the word “Freeze!”, we had to stop dancing. We really enjoyed that.

Then we had circle time and discussed our families. We talked about who is in our families. We have mammas, papas, grandparents, and some of us have sisters or brothers. We said how much we love them and they love us.

Afterwards, we had play time.


Nick dressed up as a “deirdishka”


“cock a doodle dooo!”  “Torah, Torah….”


Doron filling is dump truck with toys.

Tali, Ella and Bluma sharing the Brown Bear puzzle”


On Friday, we made challah dough with our class.


We were so glad Morah Rivky our music teacher came to school! We really enjoy music class!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Learning Yellow

We’ve continued learning the color Yellow. We made a yellow collage to add to our bulletin rainbow. We’ve also been playing with Yellow playdough.

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On Wednesday, we had our first time practicing to use scissors! We cut Yellow paper! Wow, that was a fun and challenging.  By circle time, we did a color matching game which helped the children review the colors red and yellow and learn to differentiate between colors.

We played with the sand in our sensory table. That was very intriguing to the children. They liked the feel of the sand and enjoyed the challenge of scooping the sand and placing into a bowl or cup.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

First day back

It was great seeing the children today. We were all glad to get back to normal. We enjoyed playing our toys and reviewing our music and movement games.
We had a great day back!