Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Planting seeds.

We continued our unit on "Our World." We learned the three things plants need to grow. Then we planted our own seeds. Every day, we are watering them and watching them make their appearance.

This morning, the children enjoyed making free art using collage materials and glue. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Birthday Parties in our class

We had so much fun by our friends Birthday parties.

Here are some pictures from Bluma's party!

Here are some pictures from Doron's birthday party!
We're so proud of our big friends.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

clouds and rain

We started to discuss where the rain comes from. We learned that the rain comes from the clouds. We made puffy clouds for our bulletin board using shaving cream, glue, and silver paint. The children really enjoyed the texture and found it very soothing.
We also made rain drops and we put it up on our bulletin board. Next time you're in school, take a look and ask your child to explain it to you.
We also read a book about stars and discussed that stars come at night along with the moon.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Learning about Squares and the World around Us!

We began to learn our third shape of the year. The Square! We saw that a square has 4 sides and we noticed how it is different from a circle and triangle. (Distinguishing between squares and rectangles happens next year in Nursery.) We found toys in our classroom that are square shaped and we made a square collage.

We've also began to study the world around us. We began with the sun and moon. We discussed that the sun is at day and the moon is at night. We played a game with a moon and sun picture. We turned off the lights when the moon was held up and pretended to sleep. Then we woke up and turn on the lights when the sun came up. We also discussed the ocean and land. We discussed that fish live in the ocean/water. People and animals live on land. We made a ocean and land collage that will aid us in our upcoming learning of seeds and plants.

On Friday, we went downstairs and watched the rain come down. We discussed that the rain washes everything and how the trees love the rain and drink it up.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Matzah Bakery

We had so much fun at the Matzah Bakery. We got to see how matzah was made and then made our own. While it was baking, we acted out the story of leaving Mitzrayim/Egypt.