Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tu B'shvat Party

The yeladim really enjoyed themselves at the school Tu B'shvat Party. They tried some new and some familiar foods. They have been learning how Tu B'shvat is the day that the trees wake up from their winter sleep and start to get ready for the spring.

Pretending to wake up like the trees.

Tree cake made by Pre K.

"I have dates on my hat"

Olive fingers!

Doron kept eating the olives even though it made his face squint up with sourness!


We learned all about snow and winter last week. Just in time for the snow on Monday!
They children had a lot of fun combining glue and shaving cream together. Then they spread the mixture on to their pictures of snowflakes and snowmen. We also added some silver glitter. Then we played with pretend snow that we borrowed from the PreK class.

On Monday, we went outside to see the snow in the yard. We had a lot of fun walking in the snow and seeing our foot prints. We also touched the snow and saw that it was very cold. Then Morah Bella collected snow and we brought it back into the school. The children decorated their paper snowmen with eyes, nose, mouth and buttons. By playtime, the children watched as Morah Bella shaped a snowman out of the snow and decorated it. We enjoyed looking at it and discussing it until it started melting.

Pizza Photos!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pizza shop

The Yeladim had such a great time at the pizza shop today!
We started our day making pizza art. We used red finger paint for sauce and yellow yarn and pompoms as cheese. Then we went on a big yellow school bus to the pizza shop. The Yeladim had so much fun flattening the pizza dough, adding sauce and cheese, and carrying it to the pizza oven.
We discussed how we need to behave in a pizza shop and restaurants. We have to have quiet voices. We need to sit with feet in front of us. Then came their lunch. The children enjoyed eating the pizza they made.
Photos will be up tomorrow.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Birthday Parties!

Happy birthday to Nikolas and Daniella!!

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Our neighborhood helpers

We learned all about fire fighters and police officers. We learned that they are our friends and help keep us safe. We also learned that the phone number for the fire fighters and police officers is 911. We acted out how fire fighters help people. One child got to dress up as the fire fighter while another called 911 on our pretend phone.

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We also had Mr. Genya, the school “fixer man” come to our class and give a demonstration on fixing tools. The children enjoyed seeing and trying the different tools. We got to screw two boards together! The children also acquired a new appreciation for Mr. Genya and all the work that goes into keeping our school running.

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