Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Our trip to Prospect Park

We had a great time at Prospect Park today. We looked at all the beautiful trees. We collected and played with the red and yellow leaves. Then we went and played by the playground.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Today, we learned about the parts of our face. The we made our own faces out of art materials.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

So much learning!

Wow, our first full week of preschool went great! We started our color red.

We learned all about the leaves falling down and the change of seasons.
Here are pictures of the children trying on winter clothes.

 We also started our "All about me" unit. We met two puppet friends, Benny and Leah. We saw that Benny wanted Leah's ball. We learned that good friends ask for turns. "Please can I have it?" and good friends want to share. So we answer with a "Yes!" or "Soon." Then our friend says "Thank you."
We also sang a song about how we love our friends.
We love our friends
we love our friends
we love our friends and they love us.
(then we go through all our friends names.)
We love Doron
We love Sasha
We love Tali and they love us.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

All the leaves are falling down

Today, we learned about how all the leaves are falling from the trees.
First we learned through exercises. We pretended we were tall tall trees blowing in the wind. Then winter was coming and it was getting cold. So the trees (the children) got ready to go to sleep for the winter. But first, all our leaves had to fall to the ground. Then we were ready to face the winter!
After learning about fall through movement, we did a collage using foam pieces shaped as leaves. Then we went out for a nature walk and looked for trees with leaves that were changing colors.

Our fall song; ttto London bridge is falling down

All the leaves are falling down
Falling down
Falling down

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Last week, we were introduced to the six colors. We learned a song about the colors in the rainbow. Then we went and painted our own rainbows!

On Monday, we started the color red. At circle time, we looked around and saw that a lot of our friends were wearing red! We looked in our treasure basket and found more red toys!
Afterwards, we made a group red collage for our bulletin.

On Tuesday, we continued with red by making individual red collage. By circle time, Morah Perel had a lot of clothing in her hands. We looked through it together. We found a sweater, hats, gloves, a scarf, and a coat. We discussed how its starting to get cold outside and we need to start wearing warm clothing. Then, we went to the shul for our first Rosh Chodesh rally. There, we said good bye to the holidays. Then we learned that we are going to add "Chesed" to our class by donating canned foods and clothing to needy people.